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Access Control Systems

Access Control

The smart way to control entry to secure and sensitive areas.

One of the most important aspects of security is the control of entry and the prevention of access by unauthorized persons. With an access control system we put control back in your hands and allow you to secure your property, create audit reports of staff movements and much more with ease.

What is Access Control

Access control systems are electronic security measures that are installed to manage the movement of people and or materials entering, within and exiting a building or area. They are frequently used in commercial applications to improve workplace safety and security of employees, customers, and materials.

The main functions of access control systems are to monitor the locations of individuals within a specific area or areas, control where individuals are able to gain access and manage individual user permissions to ensure that access is only granted to the authorised individual, to the appropriate areas within specific times.

Whilst tradishonal keypads have long been used to control access through doors, PIN numbers can easily be passed on to others, either deliberately or by simply being observed by another person. As such, their use in a security conscious environment is limited.

More widely used are readers. Typically these are RFID readers which can read someones access card when the card is placed in close proximity to the reader. Should a card be lost, the details of the card are simply and quickly deleted from the system thus preventing it from being used by unauthoried persons. These cards can also be printed with the autherised persons identity details to become an ID card.

Biometric Readers

More secure than card readers are biometric readers. These can be of a number of types and include:

  • Fingerprint readers

  • Palm Readers

  • Facial recognition

  • Retinal eye recognition

Once only in the realm of James Bond movies, biometric readers have become a common feature of many access control systems due their reliability and higher level of security. Unlike cards and PIN codes fingers cannot be lost (except by accident), coppied or given to someone else. Yet they can easily be added and deleted from the system.


As well as being available as an independent stand alone system, access control systems can also be integrated with other security systems such as intruder and CCTV systems.

Integration will not only increase your security but will also increase productivity:

Linking with CCTV systems to allow visual confirmation of personnel.

Linking with Time log systems for personnel records.

Can include pin code access, swipe cards, proximity readers.

  • Visual confirmation of the presence of personnel and activities by integrating with CCTV systems.

  • Integration with Time and Attendance systems to provide accurate record of of personnel working times etc.

  • Integrate with multiple site, multiple systems to provide global security and control.

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